Canan's Notes #1:
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Art & Social Change Program
Oakland, CA
Phil Porter, InterPlay Co-Founder is leading!

Canan Arikan and Phil Porter
Today, I experienced InterPlay Co-founder Phil’s leading for the second time and in a different place (the first was in Raleigh, North Carolina). Phil is very smart and funny. His leadership skills are amazing always surpassing my expectations! During the babbling part, we talked about regular words (like ocean and mountain) with a partner slowly and fast, loudly and quietly. We used fake opera and made up language as well. All these are always expanding my body and also my spirit. The range and speed of my voice and my body are incredible!
During the one hand dance (seated) with a partner, my hand was acting like a whole body. You know, English is my second language! One time, the instructions about partnership were not clear for me, so I was confused. My partner was sitting with her back to the others, so she wasn’t able to see them, and also, she couldn’t hear well. I said okay Canan, look at others and see what to do. Guess what happened! Each partner-group did something different. OMG, my partner was looking at me and I was looking to the others! InterPlay is about listening to your body wisdom (and listening to your internal authority)! With my partner we did the one hand dance the way we wanted to do it. We didn’t have to be like anybody else. It was so much fun. We enjoyed and laughed a lot!
With a partner we started to tell short stories. We talked about a regular Monday story. First, we told the story as it was a very exciting story. Then we told the same story in a made-up language. Then we told the same story by singing fake opera. And then we told the same story with a chair dance. Yes, a chair dance! Dancing with a chair! Using a chair to dance, instead of sitting on it was very fascinating! I noticed that I can create lots of movements with a chair. At the end, we told the same story with using all these things as a mix. This took a lot of energy, and also it brought a lot of energy.
NOTICING: I noticed that I really enjoyed forcing myself! I felt very energetic and cheerful!