SIS InterPlay Celebrates a Birthday during Coronavirus Quarantine
Sustaining International Sisters (Global SIS : InterPlay) met on April 24th to celebrate Chiara Pilloton's birthday and wish our Muslim SISters Ramadan Mubarak! Chiara is a SISter living in Rome, Italy, alone and is in her 3rd month of quarantine because of the 2020 Pandemic.
Upholding one another through play and connection is sustaining. We are Sustaining International Sisters (SIS). Canan Arikan and Ruth Schowalter begin SIS as a way to support women seeking asylum and other international women who wanted to connect with one another and American women to be more grounded in American culture. Now, we are global and supporting women who are quarantined in China, Argentina, and Italy, to name a few countries. How fabulous to come together to wish our Italian SISter, Chiara Pilloton a happy birthday.
In attendance for Chiara's SIS birthday party were SISters from Turkey, the Philippines, Pakistan, Mexico, Venezuela, China, Brazil, Argentina, Italy, England, Laos/Thailand and the United States. InterPlay is an amazing way to bring international women together in an environment that is nurturing, supportive and FUN.
You will read more about this amazing gathering in the article which is written by InterPlay Leader and SIS co-founder Ruth Schowalter. You will find the link below.